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Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Call 931.766.4605

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Our Program

When your breathing has changed, your entire lifestyle and well-being may be affected. Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Southern Tennessee Regional Health System is a program for people with chronic lung conditions like COPD, Emphysema, and Bronchitis, which utilizes exercise and education to help you take charge of your breathing. 

Our Team

As a team, we developed our Pulmonary Rehabilitation program of exercise, education, and support offered to help our patients breathe and function at the highest level possible. The care team includes our pulmonologists, registered respiratory therapists, cardiac registered nurses, and exercise physiologists, who work together to provide the best care possible. 

If you are experiencing breathing problems, we can help identify the following: 

  • COPD
  • Emphysema
  • Bronchitis
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Lung Cancer / Disease


Southern Tennessee Regional's Pulmonary rehabilitation program includes the following services:

  • Supervised Exercise Programs
  • Ongoing Patient and Family Education
  • Dietary Consultation

For more information about STRHS' Pulmonary Rehabilitation program, please call (931) 967-8258.

Our Mission

The goal of our Pulmonary Rehab Program is to return our patient to the highest level of independent living possible. Exercise can improve the function of your heart and lungs while strengthening the muscles that are used for breathing. This will help to decrease your shortness of breath. It is common for people who experience shortness of breath to limit their physical activities because they are fearful of becoming more short of breath. However, when a patient is inactive, the strength of their muscles, lungs, and heart decline. Exercise is an essential part of pulmonary rehabilitation. It helps a person pursue activities to the fullest extent of their abilities and helps maintain physical fitness and regain control of breathing. 

Our Goals

  • To decrease respiratory symptoms and complications
  • To encourage self-management and control over daily functioning
  • To improve physical conditioning and exercise performance
  • To reduce the need for hospitalization and medical costs
  • To improve the emotional well-being and self-esteem
  • To improve quality of life

Patient Education

Education about chronic lung disease and self-management of the symptoms that accompany breathing problems for both the patient and their family is provided. Education may include 1 on 1 teaching, written materials or group classes. Videos and other visual aids may also be used. Teaching sessions with a healthcare provider are very important and will provide information about specific medications, treatment options, and self-management skills. 


Nutrition and weight management are important for people with chronic lung disease. Shortness of breath and fatigue can interfere with your ability to eat a balanced diet and the amount and type of food can cause increased shortness of breath. The Pulmonary Rehabilitation staff can offer practical suggestions for healthy nutrition, food selection, and preparation. 

For more information call (931) 766 - 4605.

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